At present, a diet consisting of processed foods and a “fast life mode” do not provide basic nutrients and minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In terms of nutrition, what was normal even a few centuries ago becomes inaccessible now. Therefore, in order for our body to obtain the necessary ingredients, it is necessary to use appropriate quality diet supplements in appropriate doses. This will allow for proper development, functioning of the body and protect it against popular diseases such as heart and circulatory system diseases, bones, thyroid, neurosis and even cancer. Get proven WELTPHARMA dietary supplements.

In some regions of the world due to industrial activity and also due to the geological specificity, some components are almost absent, such as selenium or magnesium in the soil, which normally accumulates in plants, has been literally washed away.

Antioxidants normally found in plants that protect, among others before cancer they are replaced by artificial dyes.

The fish from the sea which the beneficial Omega 3 acids are often contaminated with heavy metals and there are fewer and fewer of them.

Oils from which our Omega 3 preparations are made come from the best suppliers, they are meticulously controlled for heavy metal content and only completely correct used for the production of e.g. OMESAM.

We also have Omega 3 from natural plant sources such as Omesam Jelly containing Omega 3 from ALA (Alpha Linoleic Acid). By using WELTPHARMA supplements you are safe and you provide the necessary ingredients to the body in the right proportions.