Idee PharmaWelt GmbH, provides highest quality health products to clients around the world, under WELTPHARMA brand.

Best Quality

Healthcare products
Raw materials
Distribution Network
We are a proud member (nr 499) of NEM e.V. Association of medium sized European manufacturers and distributors of Dietary supplements and health products.

Why we are unique


We have vast knowledge in the field of dietary supplements and medical cosmetics. We use the best raw materials and implement production on EU certified production lines. The compositions of our products are based on current medical research.

Marketing experience

We have vast knowledge in the field of dietary supplements and medical cosmetics. We use the best raw materials and implement production on EU certified production lines. The compositions of our products are based on current medical research.


Our products are delivered to our customers under controlled conditions – we are making sure the transport is intact when delivered to you.


Try our products and see for yourself what makes WELTPHARMA products unique.

Balanced Omega-3 acids product line Omesam

OMESAM products line contain high-quality concentrated cold-water marine fish oil with balanced Omega-3 EPA/DHA acids for healthy heart & brain and supporting optimal body functions in different forms.

Why use supplements?

Commonly popularized diets including processed foods and a fast lifestyle often lack basic nutrients and minerals which are necessary for healthy functioning of the body. A solution for your body to receive the necessary ingredients is improving to a whole-foods based diet together with using quality diet supplements in appropriate doses.
This is a way of allowing your body to properly develop, function and protect itself (by naturally boosting the immune system) from common chronic diseases such as heart and circulatory system disorders, bones, thyroid, neurosis and even cancer.
Get WELTPHARMA quality dietary products.

Our superior value is to deliver best quality healthcare products worldwide.

The raw materials for the production of our WELTPHARMA products are carefully selected and checked at the stage of their introduction to the production plant. We only use raw materials from proven sources from certified suppliers. We pay a lot of attention to the bioethical and ecological origin of our raw materials
Each of our products – from the moment we accept raw materials and packaging materials to the final product, is checked many times with the latest analytical methods in accordance with European standards.
Production under controlled conditions in accordance with European standards certified for dietary supplements and cosmetics. Procedures ensuring quality, repeatability and the highest product safety.
The right, controlled delivery from the production plant to the distribution warehouse in a given, often remote country, is very important for the quality of the product in a pharmacy or medical store. That is why we put so much effort and spare no costs to ensure the best supply chain with proper packaging of products, temperature and humidity control during our transport.
Our packaging is extremely durable and ensures the highest quality of products. They protect our WELTPHARMA products against contact with air and oxidation as well as external factors. We use special reinforced blisters, tinted glass bottles, tubes and special dispensers. Each of our products is packed separately in a cardboard package with a customer information leaflet. However, most products should be stored at room temperature without direct contact with sunlight.

Idee PharmaWelt GmbH

Guarantee of the highest quality for patients – WELTPHARMA.
From our headquarters in Berlin, Germany we provide products with unique quality of the raw material used and the products made for special dietary and therapeutic indications under the brand WELTPHARMA.
Our superior value is to deliver best quality healthcare products worldwide.

What is new?

What is melatonin and how does it work?

  Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production. Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, is a central part of the body’s sleep-wake cycle. […]

Vitamin D protects against cognitive decline and dementia – Alzheimer’s Association article

  Abstract Introduction Vitamin D purportedly protects against cognitive decline and dementia based on observational data using circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Little is known about vitamin D in the human brain and the association with dementia or neuropathology. Methods Decedents of the Rush Memory and Aging Project (n = 290) had vitamin D concentrations measured in four […]

Vitamin D in preventing of COVID-19 infection? DETRIVIT – VITMIN D3 SUPPLEMENTATION.

  A significant negative correlation (p = 0.033) has been observed between mean vitamin D levels and COVID-19 cases per one million population in European countries. Several studies demonstrated the role of vitamin D in reducing the risk of acute viral respiratory tract infections and pneumonia. These include direct inhibition with viral replication or with anti-inflammatory or […]