What is melatonin and how does it work?

  Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production. Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, is a central part of the body’s sleep-wake cycle. […]

Vitamin D protects against cognitive decline and dementia – Alzheimer’s Association article

  Abstract Introduction Vitamin D purportedly protects against cognitive decline and dementia based on observational data using circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Little is known about vitamin D in the human brain and the association with dementia or neuropathology. Methods Decedents of the Rush Memory and Aging Project (n = 290) had vitamin D concentrations measured in four […]

Vitamin D in preventing of COVID-19 infection? DETRIVIT – VITMIN D3 SUPPLEMENTATION.

  A significant negative correlation (p = 0.033) has been observed between mean vitamin D levels and COVID-19 cases per one million population in European countries. Several studies demonstrated the role of vitamin D in reducing the risk of acute viral respiratory tract infections and pneumonia. These include direct inhibition with viral replication or with anti-inflammatory or […]

For Heart Recovery Omesam Cardio

A unique formula for heart protection and recovery after a heart attack and other serious cardiovascular diseases

New Omesam 1000 mg + Vit. D3 5000IU

New Omesam WELTPHARMA with strong dose Vitamin D3 5000 IU.

How Can Supplements help you live healthier?

At present, a diet consisting of processed foods and a “fast life mode” do not provide basic nutrients and minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In terms of nutrition, what was normal even a few centuries ago becomes inaccessible now. Therefore, in order for our body to obtain the necessary […]